Chimney Sweep in Medway & Kent

When was the last time you checked the chimney in your home?

As a member of the ICS Chimney Sweep Trade Association, we’re a trusted local family business covering all your chimney sweep and fireplace cleaning needs throughout Medway and Kent.

fireplace & chimney cleaning medway

Chimneys & Fireplaces

Professional chimney cleaning Medway & Kent

Chimney sweeps prevent blockages and reduces the fire risk in your home.

Regular chimney sweeping is vital in preventing blockages and removing soot. This prevents fires and allows deadly gases such as Carbon Monoxide to be safely vented through the chimney, plus, a clean chimney burns more efficiently, saving you money and helps to preserve the environment.

Did you know?

Most chimneys need a sweep once per year.

How It Works

Chimney Sweep & Fireplace Services Medway & Kent

Our chimney sweeping service includes everything you need to keep your home warm this winter.

  • Visual inspection of fire and external pot/cowl
  • Sheeting up 
  • Sweeping
  • Smoke draw test 
  • Co2 alarm test 
  • Certificate of cleaning

CCTV Survey

Chimney Camera Inspection

Equipped with the latest CCTV camera technology to ensure all potential problems can be identified. We carry out work for all sizes and types of property, from small domestic house flue inspections to large commercial property surveys, for private home and business owners, landlords, architects, builders and other contractors.

Chimney Sweep & Fireplace Cleaning in Medway and Kent


How Much does our chimney sweeping cost?

Turns out great value and customer satisfaction does come at a price, a competitive one. All of our chimney sweep pricing is an estimate and you should contact us for an exact quote.

Our Chimney Sweep & Cleaning Services

How does it work?

Getting your property in shape has never been this easy. Contact us to see what we can do for your property. 

1. Quote

Call or message to find out how much it will cost for your chimney sweeping service.

2. Book

Pick a day and time that suits you, and we'll be there!

3. Clean

Sit back and pop the kettle on, we'll get scrubbing and hey presto - your sparkly new chimney!

Why DCL for your Chimney Sweep in Medway & Kent?

When it comes to chimney sweeping, choosing the right service provider is crucial to ensuring the safety and efficiency of your home. With DCL, you can rest assured that you are making the best choice for your family and your property.

we get it done

Our team of highly trained and experienced professionals are committed to delivering top-quality service

always on time

We pride ourselves on being punctual. Book a day and time, we'll be sure to be there!

100% satisfaction

Our aim is 100% customer satisfaction by delivering outstanding cleaning services to Medway and the local area.

Great Value

We deliver high quality professional cleaning services that exceed expectations. A family run business who get the job done!

Frequently Asked Questions

We service all types of chimneys, but not all of their service intervals are the same. Still unsure? Get in touch and we’ll be happy to advise on the best chimney sweep for you.

Smokeless Coals: Once a year
Wood: Twice a year when in use
Bituminous Coal: Twice a year
Oil: Once a year
Gas: Once a year
Thatched Roofs: Twice a year

We would strongly recommend to always hire a professional, qualified chimney sweep to do the job.

Household insurance policies usually require a certificate of sweeping for homes with working chimneys in order to keep your policy valid.

Chimney sweep certificates are only to be issued by sweepers that are backed by an official chimney sweeping association (e.g. the Institute of Chimney Sweeps).

Sweeping the chimney yourself will not grant your chimney the required certificate and will likely invalidate your insurance policy.

If your chimney is showing any of the below signs, it’s usually because you will require a chimney sweep.

  1. Smoke is being blown back into the room.
  2. There is a bad smell even when you haven’t lit a fire.
  3. You can see signs of tar around the damper or flue entrance.
  4. Soot is frequently falling back into your stove or fire.
  5. Your fire isn’t burning as well as usual.

A chimney camera inspection is great way to identify any issues with your fireplace, and it’s always a good idea to have your fireplace and chimney checked out.

  • Your chimney flue may not be functioning correctly and you need to know why.
  • In older buildings you wish to know the extent of the deterioration of your flue
  • You want to have a new chimney liner installed but are not sure if the size of the flue or the configuration will allow you to have the required size of liner
  • You have a blockage that needs to be investigated before a removal plan can be put in place. Chimneys can become blocked for a variety of reasons, including birds’ nests, dislodged masonry, soot deposits, or problems arising from other building works on the property, therefore correct planned removal of the blockage is essential.
  • If you have had a chimney fire, the damage may need to be assessed

get a quote for your Chimney Sweep & Fireplace Cleaning